Unlock Your Organization’s Potential

You can’t change behavior without first changing mindset.

Executives at companies that took the time to address mindset challenges were four times more likely to succeed than those that didn’t and companies with successful cultures are 5x more likely to see significant revenue increases.

Mindset Drives Behavior

Leadership and organizational development experts have struggled to explain why 70% of organizational transformation efforts fail (Harvard Business Review). That’s largely because change efforts usually focus on behaviors rather than the mindsets that drive behaviors. When using a behavioral approach to organizational transformation, leaders try to motivate and incentivize employees to adopt new behaviors by changing systems and processes. However, these desired behaviors are often in conflict with employees underlying mindsets, making it difficult or impossible to achieve the desired results.

In contrast, organizations that focus on mindsets before behaviors help employees understand and remediate the implicit biases that prevent behavior change. As a result, employees are able to sustainably adopt new behaviors that drive the desired results. As a pioneer and leader in mindset transformation, the Klein Consulting Group uniquely empowers you to reduce the massive organizational cost of employees not working up to their full potential.

There’s a major shift happening in the world. A people-centric culture is now a critical component in achieving desired business results. In fact, according to Great Place to Work, a global leader on workplace culture, companies that are people-centric outperform the broader market by 16.5%.

But a company’s culture can’t change overnight, nor can it happen with one person alone. The Klein Consulting Group helps you develop people-centric leaders who understand the full impact, potential, and power they can have on others.

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We work one-on-one with senior and upcoming leaders who want to grow their leadership ability, rise up to the challenges of today and transform the organization for the future.

Performance Teamwork Culture


High-performing organizations come from highly engaged employees gaining meaningful experiences during key moments of inspiration, leadership, recognition and development.

Leadership Growth Motivation


Miles’ unique abilities to captivate a room and deliver high-impact content make him sought after for public speaking, training and executive coaching for various businesses, events and seminars.